LOP Education and Training Mandate


The Large Open Pit (LOP) project is an international research and technology transfer project focused on the engineering of large slopes associated with open pit mines. It is an industry-sponsored and funded project that was initiated in 2005. Among the initiatives mandated by the LOP sponsors was the development of a series of guidelines on the state-of-practice related to the design and stability of large slopes associated with open pit mines. The dissemination of the knowledge that has been created through LOP Guidelines (see here) and supporting research initiatives, and the education and training of the professionals who work in open pit mining, are also mandates of the LOP. To facilitate this dissemination, and education and training, the LOP Sponsors have agreed to allocate a separate budget for Education and Training under LOP III.

Training Webinar: Field Sample Collection by WSP

Training Webinar: Point Load Test Method

Training Webinar: UCS Testing

Training Webinar: Triaxial Test Method

Training Webinar: Direct Shear Test Method

Training Webinar: Rock Failure Envelopes 
